If you visit Twitter this afternoon, along with "GotAids" and "ChelseaClinton", you'll find "FatGirlStripperNames" as a trending topic.
Basically it means that enough people are talking about a specific thing for it to become a popular subject on the website. Apparently, the Fat Police are in full force on Twitter this afternoon, and have all come together to apply stereotypes, ridicule, and downright nasty names to fat women, who choose exotic dancing as their livelihood.
Because fat people have no feelings. Because it's ok to make fun of fat people. Because a fat person deserves our ridicule. Especially those who dare to express their sexuality and confidence in a way that is normally only acceptable for "normal" people.
Because a body shape that drifts too far away from the accepted norm, deserves to be dehumanized and devalued.
Because "fat" is an ugly, bad bad word.
I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it. Anyone who ridicules another person has their own issues to attend to. It's not anyone's responsibility to look a certain way in order to please anyone else. A fat person is entitled to their fat. They are entitled to be fat in public places. They are entitled to be fat in revealing clothing. Even a step further, they are entitled to be fat sexually.
Being fat doesn't always mean a person's ass is super-glued to the couch, while they mainline gravy, and snort powdered doughnuts. Sometimes it means "regardless of a healthy level of physical activity, and healthy food, my body is meant to be a fat one."
And sometimes, being fat means "I don't like exercise. And I like spoonfuls of sugar and syrup on my foot-high stack of pancakes."
Sometimes, being fat means a mixture of both scenarios.
Either way, the fat person in question has the right, as anyone else does, to either scenario.
Being fat doesn't mean "unhealthy." Because, as much as the Fat Police would like to believe otherwise, fat is not an indicator of health. It just isn't. No amount of ridicule will make it so.
Even if fat were a sign of gross internal sickness, fat shame and fat ridicule is still unjustified.
No one, regardless of whether they're 800 pounds or 80, deserves to be defined by their shape or size. No one. No one has the right to decide the "right" shape or size of my body. No one has the right to make assumptions about my health or happiness, based solely upon the plumpness of my back side.
Being fat does not cost non-fat people more money, regardless of media hype.
Being fat does not insulate a person from normal, human emotions.
Being fat does not, in any way, affect a non-fat person in a way that causes damage or discomfort. If it does, it's the problem of the non-fat person, and means they should take the stick out of their asses, and grow up already.
If I choose to cover myself from head to toe in frumpy burlap, or if I choose to dance a strip-tease on my dining room table, it's my right. Whether I'm fat or thin, it's my right.
It certainly doesn't warrant anyone nicknaming me "Quarter Pound-her" or "Notorious KFC". Ultimately, those names have nothing to do with the fat person, and everything to do with the insecure dickhead who assigns them.
My fat is not your problem. Even if I'm scantily clad in public, my fat is not your problem. I promise. Really, really.
If all else fails, and reasoning is lost on such people, use the damn swivel on your neck, and look away. Preferably into a book, because your ass could use some learnin'.
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